10 Google tools to boost your business


The Google tools that you will see below will not only boost your business, but will also help you develop your personal projects.

This is because we all need Google, whether to learn and discover profitable businesses , even to request a medical appointment, get somewhere, find a point of sale, schedule an appointment, among other activities.

It could be said that this search engine is a kind of assistant. Each of Google's tools holistically drives business productivity by allowing us to focus on what's important and increasing our efficiency.

Google tools you need for your business:

Learning How to Start a Business is one of the biggest challenges people face.

You must be constantly making decisions, taking risks, making mistakes, learning, growing and promoting your business idea.

As you can imagine, entrepreneurship is a great experience that requires your best effort, so finding these Google tools that support you in making your dream come true will increase your chances of success.

One of the main factors that determines the success of your business is efficiency, and this is where Google tools play a fundamental role.

Thanks to the infrastructure, knowledge and capabilities of Google, this company has been developing applications and tools (some free) that help you manage any business, regardless of whether you have a business from home or run a large company.

These Google tools will not only help you optimize your time, but they will allow you to focus on the activities that add the most value to your business, something that will make it easier to achieve your goals.

1. Google My Business:

The main objective of this Google tool is to allow your customers to access your business quickly, safely and reliably.

Through the different Google applications , such as Google+ , Google Maps and its search engine, your customers will be able to locate you regardless of the device they use.

The greatest benefit is being able to offer reliable information to your customers such as location, opening hours, telephone numbers, discounts, among others.

Through this application you can start a conversation with your client, which will lead to generating long-term relationships with him.

Link: Access Google My Business

2.Google Adwords:

The function of this application is to give visibility to your business. This is one of the most powerful Google tools, since most of our time is spent on the internet and, in general, our navigation begins with Google.


With Google Adwords you can reach a greater number of people, get new customers and above all direct your communication to the people who really interest you, with search engine segmentation.

A positive aspect of this tool is that you can measure the impact on your business and it is flexible when making your campaigns.

Link: Access Google Adwords

3.Google Analytics:

This Google tool fulfills the function of web analytics, which allows you to know the characteristics of those people who visit your web page.

One of the key aspects to grow your business is to know your clients, since although they have certain similar characteristics, no one is the same as another, and each one has their preferences.

This is what Google Analytics is for, to know and identify common and differential aspects of your visitors.

This powerful Google tool, in addition to being free, allows you to know how much time your customers spend on the page, what they like, what they buy, the bounce rate, sessions, unique users, among other important things.

Regardless of whether you earn money online with your business or not, these types of Google tools are essential to grow and differentiate yourself from your competition.

Link: Access Google Analytics

4.Google Drive:

The best description for this Google tool is:  all your files ready, wherever you are.

Drive's function is to store all your files, from images, documents, music to videos in the cloud, offering you 15GB of space for free.

Being in the cloud allows you to access your files regardless of where you are, with the benefit of being able to share them with your friends, partners or colleagues.

There is a paid version for your business, where for a few dollars a month you have unlimited space in the cloud.

Link: Access Google Drive


With this tool you can discover the trends in user searches in real time.

Additionally, you can search by topic and see how your searches have evolved over time, as well as analyze which are the topics with the most searches for a given period of time.

See:  30 Free Online Google Courses With Certificate

6. Google Docs:

This tool allows you to create online documents, spreadsheets and presentations from scratch.

The best thing about these online Google tools is that you can do everything in a shared way, that is, you can invite and give access to other people so that they can see the same file and edit it at the same time.

Through Drive you can save your documents online and access them whenever you need them.

It is a real advantage to be able to have all your business documents in the cloud, in addition to being able to modify them from your cell phone, and your colleagues can see the changes immediately.

Link: Access Google Docs

7. Gmail:

Google email offers you 15GB, it allows you to sync your account with Drive, Docs and Google+ in order to have all your business information in one place.

This email is characterized by its simplicity, it allows you to organize and classify emails according to their type and even chat with your friends without leaving the platform.

In order to access the rest of Google's tools, you must have a Gmail account. So you need to have it first.

8. Google Calendar:

For free you can stay on top of all your events and meetings with Google Calendar. The biggest benefits or features of this app is that you can share your events with friends, colleagues or associates.

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Thanks to Google Calendar you have access to your meeting information from any electronic device, so you'll never forget an event again thanks to its constant reminders.

In the same way you can invite other people to the same event through mail or the same application, additionally synchronize with all other Google applications and can be used even when there is no internet connection.

Link: Access Google Calendar

9. Google Alerts:

This Google tool allows you to receive emails when an event happens, is being talked about, or there is something new to know about a topic that interests you.

With Google alerts, you must specify the topic for the tool and the frequency with which you want to receive notifications with news, events, and content around the topic of your interest.

For example, if your business is in the food industry, it would be good to know what new regulations come out, variations in prices and about the behavior of your consumer.

With these Google tools you will be able to access this information without having to browse the internet, since you will receive all the related content in an email.

Link: Access Google Alerts

10. GSuite

One of the most important and complete tools of all is G Suite, previously called Apps for Work.

G Suite consists of a custom design of all Google tools for your business. This includes benefits such as:

  • A personalized email with your domain for your business
  • Unlimited access to cloud storage
  • Hangouts with your peers
  • Google Docs, and many others.

This last tool has an annual cost, which starts at five dollars and allows you to give your business a much more professional profile.

In conclusion, these Google tools will not only boost your business but also increase your productivity, allow you to better manage your time and finally get closer to your goals.

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