How to make money writing from home in 4 steps


How to make money writing from home in 4 steps

Learning how to make money writing is one of the easy and even quick ways to generate income if you have good contacts and it's something you like to do. Here we want to show you how to achieve it.

If you are looking for ideas to earn money online , and you are good at writing, we have created a kind of guide with tips and guidelines that can be of great help to start earning money writing .

Additionally, we leave you a course with which you will learn to write articles faster, how to get your first clients, write about various topics, have credibility and a good reputation with your clients.

Learn how to make money writing from home: 

If your passion is writing, and you are looking for new ways to generate income, today you have tools and resources (such as the Internet) that will allow you to monetize your creativity and writing.

So in this guide you will find a series of templates that will help you increase your writing performance and establish schemes to make the process easier for you.

Although there is no universal guide that guarantees success, it is important to take into account some points before starting.

1. Sign up for an online service platform

how to make money writing from home

Today there are many platforms where you can offer your services . There are some that are oriented solely to writing and others that offer different services and among them the subject of writing.

Our advice when starting to earn money writing is to analyze the different platforms and sign up for the one that most appeals to you. Another option is that you sign up for several and then choose the one you see that gives you the most work.


It is important to choose one since normally depending on the work you do you can level up and gain benefits. Therefore, the sooner you decide on one, the more long-term benefits you will have.

Among the benefits of focusing on one you have that they will charge you less commissions, you will be able to make more articles, they will pay you more or they will show you before in the ads and you will have more clients.

Among the best known sites to start earning money writing you have Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer or Textbroker .

2. When you set the price, analyze the competition

Many platforms will directly mark you a price. For example, Textbroker tells you what they pay you for each word and in Upwork it is the buyer who sets their budget.

However, in  Fiverr or Freelancer you are the one who sets the price of your service. At that time it is important, if you are just starting out, to analyze what price the other sellers have.

If, for example, one of those who is in the first place sells 2 articles of 300 words for $5, you can put the same ad, or a similar one: 350 words for $5.

Of course, we advise you to put a cheap price at first to get customers and have reviews and then, once you offer some confidence, raise your price a little. Do not forget to value your work.

See:  The 12 best jobs from home to earn money

3. After a while: work off the platforms

how to make money writing online

Service websites are essential to make yourself known, get clients and learn to earn money writing, however, they take a considerable commission.

Sometimes you can even lose money with the currency exchange. So, if you have the opportunity, propose to your regular clients to work outside of it and start a real profitable business .

If you do this, make sure you get paid before writing. Or at least half of it. The platforms secure your money, but if you work independently, no one guarantees that you will be paid.

See:  How to create your blog in less than 10 minutes step by step

4. Make quality content

Phrases to reflect

One of the reasons why they can stop ordering articles from you is because the content is not of quality.

Remember that quality content is not super-professional content, but content that is unique, that is well written grammatically and that is noted to be written consistently.

Finally, we recommend that you pass your texts through a plagiarism website to verify that it is 100% original.

Finally, remember that earning money writing and turning this work into an interesting source of income requires starting. Nothing big will happen if you don't take the first step.

At first it may be difficult to get your first clients, but with consistency and quality content, you can have a good reputation and, therefore, good results.


Continue reading:  7 Ways to earn money writing online and live on the Internet

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