80 Phrases of encouragement to overcome difficult moments


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How many difficult moments have you not overcome thanks to phrases of encouragement that you heard when you needed it most?

It is possible that at this moment things are not going as expected, and you need some of those phrases of encouragement to face difficult moments in your life. 

The objective of these phrases of encouragement is for you to remember certain key aspects so that you can not only overcome the difficult moment, but also come out of it much stronger and with more experience.

At the end of these phrases of encouragement, we will leave you with 10 ways to overcome a difficult moment in your life, so that you will not only find inspiration but also have an action plan. Remember:

Hard times never last, strong people do - Robert SchullerSHARE ON TWITTER

Phrases of encouragement to face difficult moments:

1. You will never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only option.

2. Sometimes the good things are lost to make way for the great.

3. You will not be able to change what you refuse to face.

4. Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be. No one has it easy and you never know what problems each one is going through. So don't think that you are the only one facing difficult moments, everyone is assuming their own confrontations.

5. Crying doesn't make you weaker. Since you were born, this is a sign that you are alive and full of potential.

Quotes of encouragement: No matter how many times you are wrong, or how slowly you progress, you will always be ahead of everyone who is not trying.

7. Life is not about waiting for the storm to end; but learn to dance in the rain.

8. Grudges are a perfect way to end your happiness. let them go

9. Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but his world. Start small , start today.

10. Sometimes you have to get away from the circumstances in order to analyze them clearly.

11. Never let success get to your head, or failure to your heart.

12. It will be up to you to overcome your most difficult days to win your best ones.

Quotes of encouragement: Life consists of 10% of things that happen to you and 90% of how you react to them.

14. You will be able to learn great life lessons from your mistakes if you are not busy denying them.

15. Stop worrying about what others think of you; What they think doesn't matter, but what you think of you.

16. When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things room to be reached.

17. When they treat you badly, keep being yourself. Do not let the conditions of others change yours.

18. You must understand that some things will never be yours, and learn to value those that are only yours.

Phrases of encouragement in difficult times: Sometimes it is easy to feel that you are the only one struggling, that you feel dissatisfied and frustrated, or barely managing to survive.

However, this feeling is false, and if you manage to get over it, you will find people just like you, who can help and support you. We all need help, including you.

20. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone . The best experiences and opportunities of your life are beyond your conformity.

how to get out of your comfort zone

Credit: Shutterstock

21. Sometimes you tend to let your little problems grow to the point that they dominate your life. There will always be situations that make you uncomfortable, the important thing is to give them the relevance they deserve.

22. Giving up doesn't always mean being weak, it can also mean that you are strong and reasonable enough to let go of certain things in your life.

23. Ask yourself if each of the relationships add or detract from your life. Surround yourself with positive people, who are better than you and who lead you, and teach you, how to be successful .

24. Spend your time with people who make you happier, and not with those who pressure you to impress them.

25. There are few pleasures in life that equal a good conversation, a good book, a good walk, a hug, a smile, or a good friend.

26. Do not limit yourself with your past or worry about your future. Focus on today, which is the only present you have.

27. No matter how well you choose your words, there will always be someone who will interpret them their way and put them to whatever use they want. So you take care of saying what you need.

28. In order to become creative, you have to lose the fear of being wrong.

29. To be successful and great you don't have to dominate others, you must learn to dominate your own potential.

30. Not getting what you want turns out to be, on many occasions, a great stroke of luck.SHARE ON TWITTER

31. If you are passionate about something, pursue it and never stop trying…no matter what others think. This is how dreams come true.

32. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting.

33. Stay positive when negativity surrounds you, smile when everyone else is frowning. This is a way of being different.

34. The best revenge is happiness, since there is nothing that makes your enemies more angry than seeing you smile.

35. Learning to forgive is the first step in learning how to be happy .

36. If a person wants to be by your side, they will do anything to be in your life. Do not keep spaces in your heart for people who are not willing to make an effort to be with you.

37. Do not regret love relationships that did not work out. Their reason for being was to help you find the right person, and they taught you to appreciate and value what they do for you.

38. The lies you tell others are small compared to the ones you tell yourself.

39. The real world does not reward perfectionists, but rather those who do things. And in 99% of situations the only way to comply is by being imperfect.

40. Never lie, not even piously. When you move away from the truth, you are moving away from your essence. Be honest, always tell the truth and show yourself as you are; making this decision forces you to work harder, make better decisions and be more courageous.

41. Feelings, good or bad, always come and then go.

42. Don't get caught up in all the wasted potential of your past, focus on your present, which is what really matters.

43. You are never alone. No matter how complex or strange the situation is, there will always be someone else experiencing the same thing.

So every time you're thinking "you're lonely," remember that it's your mind trying to sell you an idea of ​​loneliness, all with the goal of making you feel sorry for yourself.

44. It's okay to feel angry, but never be cruel.

45. Do not pray when it rains if you never prayed when it was sunny.

46. ​​Mistakes are a great source of learning. Every time you commit a new one you are getting closer to your goal. The only mistake you can't make is not trying for fear of making a mistake.

See:  How to be smarter: 40 Habits proven by science

47. Money is a resource that is renewed, so if you lose a little, don't be sorry. This can be obtained again.

However, if you waste time worrying about your losses, remember that it will never come back. Never forget that time is more important than money, this is the greatest gift and asset with your life.

48. Never let people know they "got you." Ignore them, raise your head and pretend that all their negative comments do not affect you, do this until the day comes that it becomes reality.

49. There is nothing in this world that stops you other than you; and there is only one question to solve it: What would you do if you were not afraid?

50. Life becomes so much more interesting when you stop trying to be "cool" and just be who you are.

51. It is difficult to know how close you are to success.SHARE ON TWITTER

52. When you spend time worrying, you are using your imagination to create things you don't want.

53. No matter how things turn out, what is meant to happen will always happen: either you will be successful or you will learn something new. A win-win strategy indeed.

54. You must look at things as they are and not as you expect, dream or imagine they can be.

55. Even when you feel like you have nothing, there is someone else who has a lot less. Find him and help him. Simple.

Phrases of encouragement for difficult times: A smile is the best antidote to stress. Laugh at yourself.

57. If you want to feel rich, count every single thing you have that money can't buy.

58. Learning to forgive yourself is much more important than the forgiveness of others.

59. If every morning you wake up confident that you will have a great day, and that something extraordinary will happen, you will see that you are right.

60. Despite the pain you can continue; you just need to want it bad enough.61. It's not about having an opportunity, it's about creating it. You may not be sure it will work, but rest assured that if you don't try it will never happen.

62. If it was that easy everyone would have done it by now. Achieving big goals is a challenge, but a challenge worth taking on.

See:  20 Online Jobs You Can Start Today With No Money

63. Surprise yourself and enjoy the surprises of life. Just because it's not what you're expecting doesn't mean you can't be happy.

64. Be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be open, feel and be authentic; Tear down all the emotional walls you've built that keep you from feeling the emotions of life. This is real life, and this is the only way to open the door to opportunity.

65. You must create and look for opportunities. Opportunities that come and knock on your door are unknown, so go out and look, and if you don't find them, create them... whatever it is, make sure you look for what you dream of.

66. If you can't control it, why worry about it? Focus on those things you can change

67. Learning how to say No to the right people and things will give you the time to say yes to those you really want.

68. No matter how far you progress, there will always be someone who will tell you that it is impossible.

Or they will try to make you believe that your idea is not important to anyone, and that because of this, what you are doing is quite ridiculous.

When you get to this person, don't try to argue with them. Take all her comments and turn them into reasons to achieve it.

69. You spend 80% of your time thinking about the problem and only 20% analyzing the solution, what do you think will happen?

70. Even if you think that your life is a mess, and you don't find a destination to go to, there is at least one thing that you are doing well, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

71. Problems are a source of learning.

72. The best fight you can give is to try to be above average.SHARE ON TWITTER

73. When you feel full of stress… get busy, use your time to spend your anger and frustration doing something positive.

Inspirational Quotes: One thing is incredibly true: Regardless of what happened, life goes on.

75. Everyone looks for a perfect ending… eventually you will realize that not all good poems rhyme and not all great stories have a beginning and an end.

76. «The life of man is interesting mainly if he has failed. That indicates that he tried to outdo himself »: Georges Clemenceau

Change the way you see life, and your life will change.SHARE ON TWITTER

78. Don't compare your version 1 with someone else's version 20.

79. Although it sounds cliché…»There is no evil that lasts 100 years, nor a body that resists it».

80. “Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life is too short to think small."

10 Keys to overcome difficulties in life

Surely you are wondering if there is a recipe to face the difficult moments in life.

The first thing you should know about difficult times is that they will pass and leave you with invaluable life lessons.

However, it will not always be easy, we usually tend to forget the importance of difficulties and think that this is our end. We feel as if these difficult times will never end.

So here are 10 secrets that will make the most of difficult moments, which will not only teach you how to be happy but will allow you to continue in search of your goals.

1. Resistance is the cause of suffering:

There are situations in life that we simply cannot change. When you experience a situation of this nature, you have two options: adapt to it and progress, or remain stagnant and continue suffering.

2. “The problem is how we look at the problem”:

It's all a matter of perspective. When for many people are going through difficult times, for a few a new opportunity is being forged. If you see every problem you experience as a setback, it will be.If, on the other hand, you see it as an opportunity to learn, improve and keep a new lesson, the problems will be totally different for you.

Remember that it is not the problem as such, it is your mentality and the way you deal with it.

3. To change something, you first have to change yourself:

Your circumstances are a reflection of your inner life. If you live under stress (learn how to get rid of stress ), with a bad temper and wanting to fight, that is what you will find in your day to day life: fights, difficult moments and reasons to feel stress.

4. There are no failures, only learning in the process:

We have a wrong view of failure. We've been sold on the idea that every time we make a mistake we're moving away from our quest for success.

Failures are not the antonym of success, rather they are stops before reaching your final destination.


You live thinking about your past. You tell yourself that everything in the past was always better. You live in a nostalgia that prevents you from enjoying your present, which will be your past in a few years.

Make sure you enjoy the moment you are living, even when they are difficult times; build memories for your future, and don't stop living regardless of what you're going through...

Remember that it is called a present for a reason: a gift that life gave you today.

6. Appreciate the value of your fears:

The value of your fears is measured when you are able to overcome them. When you face a fear and overcome it, you show that you not only want to be better, but that you do not allow fear to paralyze you.

Having fears does not make you inferior to others, but staying full of fear, paralyzed and thinking about each of the negative consequences that your actions could have, is a fairly high barrier to overcome in your search for success.

Ask yourself, what would you do if you were not afraid?

7. Allow yourself to enjoy life:

Okay, productivity and the results you have in your life are important. Meet your goals, get up early, deliver reports, stay up late and do whatever you have to do to meet...

Where was enjoying life?  Share with your partner, friends and family? Not everything is work, you can not forget that the process is equal or more important than the result, since the first will take more time, and if you do not enjoy it, in the end nothing will be worth it.

Enjoy life, escape from the routine and do something that you are passionate about.

8. Stop comparing yourself, you are your point of reference:

To improve you don't have to look at the person next to you, you have to look at your version of yesterday. You are your reference point: it is your strengths that you have to focus on, your weaknesses that you could improve on, and your attitude that you have to change.

Do not compare yourself with others and focus on your personal development , everyone lives their own story, difficult times and experiences. You can reference them if you admire them, but don't make the mistake of assuming they're the same thing.

9. You are not the victim:

Stop assuming the role of victim in your life. You don't live what the world wants you to live, you live what you have in your mind. You are your result, your ideas, decisions and thoughts.

Take control of your life. Ask yourself if what you are doing today will get you where you want to be tomorrow. Ask yourself if that setback you experienced is so strong as to take you away from your goals forever.

10. Things can–and will–change:

Seriously, it's a matter of time for the pain to pass, for those difficult moments that you can't find a way out of to come to an end, for you to learn something and apply it in your life.

And if you still feel like it's never going to end, it's because you haven't learned your lesson yet.

Don't look at hard times as setbacks, look at them as life lessons you need.

Think about those difficult times you've been through, and honestly ask yourself what you learned. Surely you will have more than one valuable lesson for your life.

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Life is about not knowing everything, about facing change, living in the moments and experiencing without knowing what is coming.

In conclusion, these phrases of encouragement will teach you that, to face difficult moments in your life, you do not need to know everything.

You simply have to accept the change and live in the present, trust in your abilities and look for inspiration, not only in these phrases of encouragement , but in many motivational phrases that will give you the energy to continue fighting.

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